Benefits of Greenwell Water Saving Product

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Greenwell Water Savers compared to Tree Watering Bags

Volume of water used in a single watering event

Greenwell Water Savers

In as little as a few short seconds, 7 – 13 gallons of water can be poured directly into the base of a plant where it will then absorb deeply and quickly into the tree roots.

Watering Bags

Up to 20 gallons depending on the bag size, but watering time is greatly increased.

Ease of water application

Greenwell Water Savers

Greenwell Water Savers can be filled fast, as councils fill our Water Savers directly from a water truck without needing to get out of the vehicle. Brimbank Council in Victoria (Australia) found a reduction in water requirements of 25% for trees with the water saving device.

Watering Bags

Watering bags require leaving the truck to fill with water.

Watering Pattern

Greenwell Water Savers

Watering absorbtion is rapid and even. This deep watering goes direct to root ball and encourages wide root spread for a stronger and more drought resistant plant.

Watering Bags

Watering bags are designed to release water slowly.

Trunk Protection

Greenwell Water Savers

The Greenwell Water Saver is a visible and physical barrier that helps to protect the tree trunk from powered equipment such as whipper snippers (line trimmers).

Watering Bags

Some bags hug the tree trunk closely. And this can lead to rot, heat damage and pest problems reducing the health of the tree.


Greenwell Water Savers

Water Savers are suitable to leave on a tree all year round and no action needs to be taken regardless of the weather.

Watering Bags

Watering bags must be removed during winter in snow belts to prevent damaging the bags. This results in not only more labor, but also in increased storage needs for water bags not on trees during these months.


Greenwell Water Savers

Our water saving devices are difficult to remove without a shovel, this combined with their ability to easily blend in makes them less of a theft target than other solutions.

Watering Bags

Watering bags are often quite noticeable making them prone to theft in some locations.

Insects – Fire Ants

Greenwell Water Savers

Our Water Saver provides a barrier to pests by treating the top.

Watering Bags

Watering bags often attract insects that find the moist protective underside of the bags attractive. This underside can provide a sheltered, damp area ideal to insect life.

Aesthetic Affect

Greenwell Water Savers

Our water savers blend in well with the surroundings making them unnoticeable yet still providing protection to the plant from mowers and foot traffic.

Watering Bags

Watering bags are not inconspicuous.

Fertiliser Application

Greenwell Water Savers

The Greenwell Water Saver contains the fertiliser. It guards against scatter by wind, or birds.

Watering Bags

Watering bags do not contain fertiliser in the same way.

Mulch Application

Greenwell Water Savers

The Greenwell Water Saver contains the mulch to insulate the tree root ball. It guards against scatter by wind or birds making mulch last longer and be more effective in protecting the tree.

Watering Bags

Watering bags do not contain mulch.