Benefits of Greenwell Water Savers

For the story behind the innovative award winning Greenwell water saver please click here
For Stockists in Australia, The USA, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium
please email [email protected] or refer to our Contact Us page

Video courtesy of Today Tonight. Reporter Paul Makin, broadcast 14th November 2014

Click to see a Council tree watering truck in action watering a Council street tree in South Australia, with a Greenwell installed
Council Arborists have varying opinions as to how deep Greenwells should be installed in the ground around trees click to see Greenwells installed around street trees by a South Australian Council in June 2019

Genuine water savings

The Greenwell Water Saver is very commonly used in local councils and by home gardeners throughout Australia. Why? To save money on the costs of watering, and to reduce the loss of trees due to heat stress. Recently, Brimbank City Council found a water reduction of 25% for trees using the Greenwell Water Saver

Simple, Quick, Cheap & Deep Watering

Watering plants is important, but how can you get the water to where it matters most? The Greenwell Water Saver delivers applied water directly and quickly to the tree rootball (avoiding water run off).

Saves watering time

Councils and home gardeners love our water savers, they simply fill the well with water and leave. For council watering trucks this takes only a few seconds saving valuable time and costs in watering trees.

Stops the scatter of mulch and fertiliser

Don’t you hate it when birds throw all of your mulch out of your garden beds? We help to contain the mulch and fertiliser to ensure that it stays where you put it.

Concentrates water, mulch & fertiliser where needed

Not only does the Greenwell contain water, it also contains mulch and fertiliser as well making it simple to keep a tree adequately watered and fed throughout the year.

Easily installed and repositioned

It takes just a few minutes to setup your Greenwell Water saver. Because of its special zip join it can be easily placed around or taken off a tree.

Unique tree-protecting circle easily opened & closed

Because of its special zip join it can be opened and closed in a matter of seconds – a very versatile product.

Concentrates up to 26 litres (regular size) and 50 litres (large size) of water

The Greenwell Water Saver concentrates water around a plant base ensuring all the water applied is made available to the tree roots.

Greatly reduces the wastage of our water reserves

We provide you with an extremely efficient, but very simple method of watering your plants in a manner which is friendly to the environment; whilst promoting healthier plants. We contain the water to the areas that need it saving you water and benefiting your plants at the same time.

Maintains a constant and totally efficient bowl integrity around tree trunk

Guards against ponding and resulting trunk rot problems because of constant and efficient bowl integrity. Earthen bowls break down – Greenwell is permanent.

Guards against damage caused by Whipper Snippers

The Greenwell Water Savers also help to ensure that whipper snippers and brush cutters are kept away from the tree trunk. This not only helps ensure the health of the plant, but it also helps to make sure that fertiliser and mulch remains in place.

Can be very easily moved from tree to tree

Water savers are great to be kept on a tree for the first couple of years (and sometimes more), but they are so easy to move that you can move them to another tree if you need to.

Eliminates water run-off

This is great for flat or sloping ground, non-wetting soils, etc. In almost all gardens, situations are common where water tends to run away from a plant base. Greenwell completely solves this problem and therefore makes watering very much easier.

Keeps lawn or grass away from tree trunk

Therefore is great for lawns. Is very tidy in appearance. Local Councils comment on its neat, professional appearance.

Greenwell Ensures Deep Root Watering

Because of its permanent bowl integrity, and therefore its ability to eliminate water runoff, Greenwell is a proven product to ensure deep root watering during tree watering events.

During a tree establishment period, particularly during hot and dry summer periods, deep root watering is essential. Greenwell has been designed to channel all applied water direct and deep into the tree root system.

Greenwell Installation Photos

Greenwell Water Savers Values:

Integrity, Reliability, Innovation, Respect, Passion, Excellence.

Customer Feedback

Hi Brian

Just thought a quick e-mail to you, just letting you know that I am very impressed with your tree rings. I did speak to you several months ago, at Bunnings Noarlunga, since then I have instated several on my slopping block. Every claim that you made stands up, and have just noticed the new irrigation clips, a great improvement.

Thanks for keeping it local, you deserve a medal for that.

Kind Regards,

Dave Williams

Dave Williams

Hi Brian

It was nice to talk to you about the Greenwells.

Tamworth Regional Council have been using the Greenwells for about 4 years now.  They provide an easy way of watering trees to give them a deep watering without wasting water.  We have used both sizes depending on the size of the tree we have planted.  We intend to keep using the Greenwells to assist the establishment of street trees and other feature trees within our parks network.


Hugh Leckie
Horticulture and Arboriculture Specialist
Tamworth Regional Council

Tamworth Regional Council have been using the Greenwells for about 4 years now

Thank you so much for all of your work on the Greenwell Water Saver products, we sell both sizes on all three garden websites Jackson & Perkins, Wayside Gardens, and Park Seed in the United States and they are both among our top selling items. We have success selling them as stand alone products and using their popularity to sell other garden related products. I wish every product was as simple to understand and profitable to merchandise.

Thank you again!

Wes Harvell
Jackson & Perkins Garden Manager
J&P Park Acquisitions, Inc.

3507 Cokesbury Rd.
Hodges, SC 29654

P: 1-864-941-4528
Fax: 1-864-941-4502

Wes Harvell – Jackson & Perkins Garden Manager

As a part of our grant program, we used the GreenWells to help establish young, 1-5 gallon trees. The Greenwells helped protect the young trees from weeds and grass, allowing water to penetrate the roots. The GreenWells have also prevented things like lawnmowers, weedwhackers, and pets from harming the trees.  GreenWells provide a controlled environment that keeps water and mulch in. We like what we are seeing so far!

David Pineda, Program Manager, WCA, Inc. CIRCLE 3.0 Project with the California Urban Forests Council

David Pineda, Program Manager, WCA, Inc

I recently had the opportunity to relocated 6 fruit trees from a building site in Adelaide (where they were going to be “bulldozed”)  to our property on the Fleurieu Penninsula. Little did I know that while I relocated them in late winter they were about to face the driest Spring and Summer in decades. I surrounded each tree with a Greenwell tree guard and I am sure they have been instrumental in helping all 6 trees survive at their new home. We have only rainwater tanks for water supply so have to be frugal with our water. The guards allow the heavy mulch to be contained and makes watering easier and more efficient – the water is contained and directed to the root zone. What a great invention!!

Glenn Young

The Greenwell Water Saver in Action

Just Some of the Councils Currently Using Water Savers

Councils, businesses and individual gardeners love Greenwell Water Savers.

We currently supply to Australia, USA, Canada, Belgium, Holland, Germany and more.

For Online Stockists in North America Click Here

For Jackson & Perkins Park Seed & Wayside Gardens Online Group's
opinion of the Greenwell Water Saver, Click Here

For stockists in Australia, USA, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands and Belgium please contact us.

Some Greenwells Installed in The USA and in Canada by Municipal City Councils

About The Australian Greenwell Manufacturer
And Wholesale Distributor

HR Products manufactures, imports and distributes quality automatic irrigation equipment for agricultural, golf course, sports turf, landscape and home watering systems throughout Australia.

Established in 1979 as part of Little Moreton Pty Ltd in Perth, Western Australia, the business has grown into one of Australia’s largest wholesale irrigation distributors with an extensive dealer network across the country.

In 2023, the business was acquired by Valmont Industries, Inc. expanding the company’s geographic footprint and growing its parts presence in a key agriculture market.

With offices in Western Australia, South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales and Queensland, HR Products has built a reputation as a leading wholesale supplier to retail irrigation, hardware, plumbing and rural stores.

HR Products have been manufacturing and distributing the Greenwell product since 1999.